Helicopter Services


We provide a wide range of spraying services, including but not limited to

  • scrub and brush weed
  • facial eczema
  • pasture
  • forestry
  • crop
  • fungicide

Our personnel hold Approved Handler certificates.
We can provide you with chemicals, and you will be only charged for the amount that we use.

We use low drift spray nozzles to avoid off target drift.

Additionally, we can offer a water tanker if a suitable loading site is not accessible.

Our GPS guidance system, Tabula, offers farm mapping, pilot guidance to ensure precise application and proof of placement for our clients.

Fertiliser / Seeding

Beck Helicopters provide truck and trailer units to transport your product from the store to the site. This ensures quick and efficient application. Our fertiliser buckets are adjustable to accommodate the application rate and provide precise and accurate product coverage.

We offer our fertiliser application services throughout the North Island.

Our GPS guidance system, Tabula, offers farm mapping, pilot guidance to ensure precise application and proof of placement for our clients.

We provide services throughout the crop season that include product, application, and transportation, all charged on a per hectare basis.

We offer granulated lime product from our depot, contact us for more information!

Fire Fighting

Approved Fire & Emergency NZ operator. Equipped with collapsible monsoon/fire buckets, which are able to be filled from various water sources, such as dams, lakes, rivers etc. 

Fitted with a foam system that enables enhanced fire suppression effectiveness. Our water buckets have a 1500 litre capacity.

Frost Protection

Aerial frost protection involves the utilisation of helicopters to safeguard crops from frost damage. This technique is commonly employed in orchards and vineyards during the autumn and spring seasons. 

No matter the location of your orchard or vineyard in New Zealand, we are equipped to offer this service throughout the entire year.

Pest Control

We have the necessary equipment to assist with your pest control operations.

Pest Control operations vary from pest shooting to VTA operations.

We recognise that pest control may not be an endeavor you particularly enjoy, however, it is essential when unwelcome invaders pose a risk to our native flora and fauna.

Heavy Lifting

Helicopter lifting serves as an effective method for transporting goods and materials, resulting in significant savings in both time and costs. This aerial approach enables the relocation of materials to inaccessible or challenging locations while minimizing the potential for damage.

UH-1 Iroquois lifting capacity 1818kg (4,008 lb)
Bell 206 Jet Ranger lifting capacity 544kg (1,200 lb)

Powerline Construction and Maintenance

By utilising both our Iroquois and Jet Ranger helicopters, we can efficiently transport personnel and conduct light preparation and construction tasks with the Jet Ranger.

Additionally, our Iroquois is capable of locating and handling large poles, pipes, and other items weighing up to 1818kg (4,008 lb) across various terrains.

  • Line inspections – including LiDAR & Gimble mounted cameras
  • Pole and crossarm installation
  • Conductor installation – we provide custom built wire stringers tailored fit to varying drum sizes

Additionally, we offer external loading services to remote locations and provide both scheduled and emergency line repair solutions.

Heli Saw

Our custom-built Heli-Saw is designed for trimming vegetation along power line rights-of-way or travel corridors. It is suitable for use in both easily accessible and challenging terrains.

Commercial / Scenic

  • SCENIC – Scenic Mountain Flight 25-30 minutes. Jet Ranger, 4 passengers.
  • $365 per person. You can purchase 2-4 seats, if you prefer, but all seats must be occupied before take-off. Departure from our depot located in Eltham. 
  • Hire the helicopter by the hour. Explore from above & customised to suit your requirements
  • Photography
  • Hunting
  • Surveying services (powerlines, pipelines, waterways, forestry etc)


Gift vouchers available

All flights are weather dependent

Want to learn more about what we offer?

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