Powerline/Pipeline Construction

Powerline/Pipeline Construction



Having worked with power companies for many years, Beck Helicopters is an established specialist in overhead line surveys powerline/pipeline construction and inspections. We provide a range of services for power companies throughout New Zealand. Utilising both our Iroquois and Jet Ranger helicopters we have the best available combination of helicopter sizes to help with the construction of any powerlines and pipelines. We are able to move personnel and perform light preparation and construction with the Jet Ranger, and then locate large poles and pipes and other items up to 1.8 T with the Iroquois. The experience and expertise of Beck Helicopters in this area is well recognised within the industry.

Pole/Pipe Placement

Utilising our Iroquois helicopter, and highly trained pilots we are able to remove and or place heavy poles and pipes up to 1.8 T in any terrain necessary. This can save you time and money during line construction.

Line Stringing

After the poles have been erected, we then utilise our helicopters to string electrical cable which can save your company hours of time when constructing, or repairing power lines. Our wire stringers have been developed and refined over 30 years of operation, and are now among the most efficient available. We are able to string wires very quickly, which means a great saving when there is a large amount of cable to be strung.


Beck helicopters are renowned for our speed of reaction. Our fleet of helicopters allows us to mobilise aircraft quickly to visually survey the lines and locate any faults following storms.

Beck Helicopters are able to assist with all manner of powerline maintenance, from line inspections, fault finding, replacing poles, running wires, insulator washing, crossarm cleaning and busan application. We have also developed specialised mounts that can be utilised on our helicopters to convert it to an aerial ute during high use times to make the most of limited equipment and personnel

Line Surveys

We offer powerlines, pipeline, waterway and forestry surveys and inspections. We also sling load into remote areas and provide scheduled and emergency line repairs.

We have performed these service throughout New Zealand and numerous companies have found that it is better to utilise experienced line survey pilots.

Insulator Washing

Our Jet Ranger helicopter has a special insulator washer, that has been designed and built by ourselves. Utilising this equipment we are able to wash both powerlines, and particularly insulators when they become covered in salt and other contaminants causing power fluctuations. This has proven to be extremely succesful on salt laden lines close to the coast.

Light Maintenance

Utilising the Jet ranger we are able to undertake light maintenance work on powerlines including wire stringing or dragging, hanging crossarms, and insulators on larger lines, and using the scoop net to place personnel, undertake midspan line repairs, or trim trees and undergrowth that can become a hazard to the powerlines.

Aerial Ute

We have developed external fittings for our helicopters that enable us to carry large objects such as ladders attached to the helicopter, which enables us to fly at full speed rather than having to slow down due to items being underslung. This enables limited numbers of linesmen to perform light maintenance throughout the country on numerous jobs in one day when they would normally spend a large amount of time travelling between jobs.

Busan Application

We have designed and built a specialised Busan Applicator, for use with the helicopter. This proved to be extremely successful, and is able to be used for any other products that may come on the market.

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